WAS Lock Installation

WAS Lock Installation Services in Perth


Securing your property has become a part of sensible living, particularly if you are a homeowner. Strong, durable locks make up an essential part of an overall security plan to protect your belongings and help guarantee your family’s personal safety.


The same need for protection can be applied to your meter boxes. Securing these with adequate locks will prevent unauthorized access and give you peace of mind. However, what’s the best way to go about doing so? Should you use standard padlocks? Or do you need a different type of locking mechanism?

What is a WAS Lock?


A WAS lock is a specially designed lock for West Australians that efficiently secures your meter and protects it from damage. This allows access for representatives of these essential services, including Alinta Energy, Western Power, Synergy and the Water Corporation when they are required to read the meter or shut it down during an emergency. This includes gate locks or padlocks that allow access to your meter.


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Standard Lock vs WAS Lock


Professional advice states that it is required to provide these companies access to your meters that allow them to use their special master key to access your property. You shouldn’t use a standard lock to secure your meter box as doing so will prevent such companies from trying to read your meter if you are out of the house. Worse, it would mean they wouldn’t be able to access your meter in the event of an emergency.